Average homeowner saves $1,346 per year by switching to solar.

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With 3 easy steps Swap to Solar compares the prices of solar providers near you.


Enter your address and the cost of your most recent electric bill to start.


Our estimator shows how many solar panels your home needs and shows them on your roof.


You get an online cost and savings estimate using average prices of local solar companies.

Find out how much you can save in under 90 seconds.

Why should I go solar?

Solar energy is sustainable, renewable, and plentiful. As the cost of using solar to produce electricity goes down each year, many Americans are increasingly switching to solar. Now, there are over a million solar installations across the country.

Below are additional benefits of switching to solar electricity.

Lower or eliminate energy bills

By powering your home with solar you could save upwards of 90%.

Reduces air pollution

Your solar panels create clean, pollution-free energy day after day.

Reduces dependence on non-renewable energy

Say goodbye to relying on sources of energy like fossil fuels.

Find out how much you can save in under 90 seconds.
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